I have been asked to select stories from my US writing sites that I think my Russian cousins might enjoy. This is a difficult task as what I might like, you may not. I posted a blog in LJ Canteen asking for ideas as to what stories I should recommend. Here are the results. Please keep in mind that these stories are works of fiction and many writers use their artistic licenses with their works. Let me add here that some of us believe that, in the past, this site may have had viruses so be cautious.- www.fanfiction.net/tv/Man-From-UNCLE/

All of these are The Man From U.N.C.L.E. stories/sites:

http://crack-van.livejournal.com/tag/man%20from%20u.n.c.l.e. (a brief description of each story is given by the author)

http://mfu-shortstorie.livejournal.com/ (these are daily recommendations of a wide variety of stories)

https://archiveofourown.org/tags/The%20Man%20From%20U*d*N*d*C*d*L*d*E*d*%20(2015)/works (my oersonnal favorite and some believe this site is safer than FanFiction.net)

This story is recommended by one of our members, susanpr.

https://www.fanfiction.net/s/346212/1/The-Homeland-Affair (It is long. Words: 45,489)

For the last rec, I will give the link to one of my own. :D archiveofourown.org/works/4184337/chapters/9449...

@темы: фанфики

30.10.2015 в 20:23

A life lived in fear is a life half lived
my oersonnal favorite and some believe this site is safer than FanFiction.net
Oh, same here))) I don't know about safety (as I've never experienced any problems with FanFiction.net), but it's definitely better organized - it's much easier to find something good with all the search parameters...

Thank you for recommendations! :buddy:
30.10.2015 в 21:03

ipera_Berus89, Thank you. I love your emoticon. I hope COUSINS here may enjoy these stories. I have not read all of them myself. There are newer stories written from prompts in our lj Section VII site. I keep the calendar for this site and post a few stories there myself. We have a lot of fun.

I truly enjoy your COUSIN site and am glad I joined. I may come across as comical as I'm not tech savy and cannot speak or read Russian. Some of the translations are off. I will learn.(I hope): gh3:
30.10.2015 в 21:15

Бродят бешеные волки по дороге скрипачей
lindafishes8, oh, thank you! I used to read MFU fanfics on archiveofourown.org

I read only 5 or 6 fanfics so far, but one of them impressed me very much and I want to translate it in Russian. 45000 words... Still hesitate if it's a good idea, and still didn't ask author is it ok to translate it.
30.10.2015 в 21:35

Still hesitate if it's a good idea, and still didn't ask author is it ok to translate it.

I am willing to ask the author if you wish, but is possible that the author is no longer available. To translate/cut/paste it is advisable to ask first.

Give me the link to the story if you want me to ask. ;D
30.10.2015 в 21:48

Бродят бешеные волки по дороге скрипачей
lindafishes8, archiveofourown.org/works/184342 this one. It's really emotional. But I still didn't decide if I want to translate it or not. I never did it before, so I'm confused about it. I doubt my translation skills))
30.10.2015 в 23:55

По-своему положительный персонаж. (с)
lindafishes8, Oh, I see some gen fics! Its wonderful!

And one question about my favourite pair. Аre there good fic about Napoleon and Angelica (pretty TRASH agent from 1/05)? I adore them. And Illya, who playing a role of griffin. so sweet and funny seria
31.10.2015 в 00:06

A life lived in fear is a life half lived
Inpu, I doubt my translation skills))
Don't - the best way to learn is to practice)))

lindafishes8, Some of the translations are off
Are you using Google for translation? 'Cause yes, it does glitch a lot with the Russian language... Unfortunately... But I really don't know if there is any other choice. more
31.10.2015 в 00:15

I could translate/render some posts for you from time to time, if you want, though)Vipera_Berus89, It would help if you would translate when you are able. That would be very nice of you, Yes I'm using Google-not the best but I get the gist of most conversations. Terminology is different and I don't expect an on line translator to work well all of the time. That, and the fact that I am not the best speller. :D
31.10.2015 в 00:32

A life lived in fear is a life half lived
lindafishes8, sure, no problem) While we're at it, is there something in particular you'd like to read from the previous posts&comments?
31.10.2015 в 03:04

неправый кто-то в интернете капслоком брызжет из ушей сожми кулак вдохни поглубже забей (с)
Помнится, кто-то искал фик для перевода из поста  Иллион , после которого завертелось общение с англофандомом. Может быть, спросить об этом фике у нашей новой кузины?
31.10.2015 в 06:35

VOLČIĆA JuliaAnd one question about my favourite pair. Аre there good fic about Napoleon and Angelica (pretty TRASH agent from 1/05)?

I have read a few stories with Angelique but here is a link to many stories featuring her. I'm sure you'll find several you'll like.

31.10.2015 в 07:09

lindafishes8, sure, no problem) While we're at it, is there something in particular you'd like to read from the previous posts&comments?Vipera_Berus89

I am finding many things here I'm interested in. Right now, to be honest, I'm a little overwhelmed with reading and posting here and in LJ. I am glad that some from this site are joining and adding to our conversations in the LJ Canteen.

My friends and I are learning much about Russia. I think my writings will change as I learn not to stereotype Russian people. For example, I have Illya always drinking Vodka. To be fair, Napoleon's favorite drink is scotch and many stories have him drinking it.

Videos posted here and in LJ are helping us learn to separate fact from fiction and I think all of us are happy about that. :D

Let me share a tidbit of information about our fanfiction. Some of our writers depict Illya as being hungry most of the time and when he eats, he eats alot, because he has a high rate of metabolism and when he was a boy, he never got enough to eat. This is not canon (not from the television show) but is what we call fanon, from the fans. Our fandom has been writing stories for a very long time. With the establishment of the internet, we were able to find each other. If you look, you can find thousands of stories.

Getting back to fanon, here are a few more things many fanfiction writers put into there stories:

Illya is very selective with women he dates. He likes to have an established relationship before he asks a girl out. Not like Napoleon who dates all women.
He was orphaned at an early age and grew up in State Schools.
He had a wise babushka that taught him gypsy ways.
We know Illya spent time in Kiev as a boy, some believe, myself included, he was born there.

Enough for now. It's getting late and It's time for me to go to bed............................Linda
31.10.2015 в 08:48

If you read this line remember not the hand that writ it
For example, I have Illya always drinking Vodka

Illya could be a connoisseur of vine. For example, he can like Georgian vine – dry Mukuzani. Or Crimean vines from Massandra. Or some Moldavian vines, like Negru de Purcari. And then while in Europe he wd go for French and Italian vines.

Or he might like cognac. Armenian while in the USSR, and then French, of course. I know one could buy some French cognacs in the USSR in 60-s (my father named Camus for one), but I don't know if it was available in 50-s.

Of course tastes differ. Oh if somebody could write about Illya treating Napoleon to Russian applejack!
31.10.2015 в 08:57

If you read this line remember not the hand that writ it
Some of our writers depict Illya as being hungry most of the time and when he eats, he eats alot, because he has a high rate of metabolism and when he was a boy, he never got enough to eat. This is not canon (not from the television show) but is what we call fanon, from the fans.

Illya was a teenager during the war. So it is very probable.

My aunt started working as a hospital nurse at the age of 15, during the war. When I said smthing like "Oh, that was heroic and patriotic" she answered: "It's very simple, my two small brothers, including your father, wanted to eat, and hospital nurse' ration was much bigger than teenage schoolgirl's"
31.10.2015 в 09:07

If you read this line remember not the hand that writ it
He was orphaned at an early age and grew up in State Schools.
He had a wise babushka that taught him gypsy ways.
We know Illya spent time in Kiev as a boy, some believe, myself included, he was born there.

Maybe we shd translate the post about our fanons re Illya. This one: rumuncle.diary.ru/p206435374.htm

And what are typical fanons re Napoleon?
31.10.2015 в 11:47

A life lived in fear is a life half lived
NikaDimm, Maybe we shd translate the post about our fanons re Illya.
31.10.2015 в 12:37

Бродят бешеные волки по дороге скрипачей
NikaDimm, that's good idea. I can translate, but I don't want to summarize :rolleyes: At least today ^^
31.10.2015 в 18:08

A life lived in fear is a life half lived
To summarize (briefly! :lol: ):
There are three most distinctive trends as to Illya’s parents: his father could be military, engineers or work in scientific circles. Those who mentioned a mother generally agree that she could be a doctor or have an artistic profession (in general terms) – thus she might influence Illya’s love for books and music. Although other ideas have been voiced for her (an athlete, a teacher), and other family members have been mentioned, the discussion seems to revolve around a father rather than other relatives. The idea that Illya is an orphan is somewhat unpopular.
It proved rather hard not to stray away from the topic (family) to the political situation in the world in general, as well as history and other issues not immediately connected with the tv-show itself; and to keep in mind that the show never claimed to be a reliable source of political, social and cultural information))) Quite an important idea was presented: that the show-verse is, in fact, an alternative universe to what was really happen (with somewhat less political tension and more opportunities for international cooperation), thus explaining the inconsistencies in Illya’s canon background without getting too serious about it (and I believe if we do get too serious about it we might end up somewhere we shouldn’t be)))

Link <-- Here is a somewhat detailed rendering of the discussion - I tried to keep track of who said what for the record...
31.10.2015 в 18:14

Бродят бешеные волки по дороге скрипачей
Vipera_Berus89, может опубликуете это как отдельную статью на их сайте?)) Там же можно будет по поводу диссидентства написать (только мы, кажется, здесь подробно не обсуждали еще).
31.10.2015 в 18:38

A life lived in fear is a life half lived
Inpu, для статьи формат не тот, нужно будет переписать, но я подумаю над этим предложением, когда домой вернусь))
31.10.2015 в 19:05

По-своему положительный персонаж. (с)
Vipera_Berus89, Слушай, ну ты титан переводческого фронту. В отдел пропаганды АНКЛ запишем за особые заслуги :)
31.10.2015 в 19:15

There are three most distinctive trends as to Illya’s parents:Vipera_Berus89

Kindly explain where the Yandex comes from? Is it a poll of Russian fans or is it from another source?

Let me further explain about fanon.

Over the years, gaps in canon made it difficult to create new and interesting stories so the same idea/information was used and over the years it became acceptable as probable truth.
Also one needs to remember how many authors of MFU fanfiction there are. Many writers build their own timelines. Many stories about Illya's and Napoleon's pasts have been written and also many stories are written about them as they age and retire.

I will try to answer questions about Napoleon fanon:

His favorite drink is single malt whisky.
He is constantly borrowing money from Illya.
Napoleon is being groomed by Waverly to take over his job when he retires.
He was married for a brief time but his young wife died or divorced him.
His rich Aunt Amy gives money. (In "The Fifteen Years Later" film, she gave her penthouse apartment to him)

Other fanon about Illya:

He doesn't "kiss and tell." This means he does not share information about his romantic encounters with his partner.
His apartment is sparsely furnished, mostly with second-hand furniture.
He talks about the decadence of his partner and Americans in general.
He shops for his personal needs in "Little Russia," a business and residential area in New York City where Russian immigrants have settled.
He enjoys Chinese food and loves to eat at "The Russian Tea Room."

I am enjoying you discussions and if you have other questions feel free to ask. If I cannot answer, I will ask my LJ friends.
31.10.2015 в 19:57

По-своему положительный персонаж. (с)
lindafishes8, Kindly explain where the Yandex comes from? Is it a poll of Russian fans or is it from another source?
Vipera_Berus89, translates our discussion and a poll in this website.
Here it is rumuncle.diary.ru/p206435374.htm

the Yandex
Yandex - the Russian search engine it is similar Google or Yahoo
Its also the best storage for files and movies
31.10.2015 в 20:31

Vipera_Berus89, translates our discussion and a poll in this website.

Now I understand, thank you. I would like to post these poll results in LJ's Canteen, unless anyone here has any objections? It would spark conversations among our members and I can post a link to it here. All COUSINS here are always welcome to add comments there as well. Most of us have on line translators to use if you are not comfortable writing in English. Again, I hope this will promote good will between us so we can learn from each other. Personally, it will improve my writing.
31.10.2015 в 20:50

If you read this line remember not the hand that writ it

to get the file you click on "Link" in Vipera_Berus89' comment and in the window which opens choose "Скачать" (download). It opens a doc-file with the translation of our whole discussion of Illya's background (I read it once more in English with great pleasure).
31.10.2015 в 20:52

If you read this line remember not the hand that writ it

I would like to post these poll results in LJ's Canteen

Wd be interesting to make a similar poll and compare results
31.10.2015 в 20:52

Бродят бешеные волки по дороге скрипачей
lindafishes8, maybe the author of these poll results will edit them to article. And we wanted to add something about Illya being or not being dissident.
31.10.2015 в 21:16

Wd be interesting to make a similar poll and compare results

Our LJ Canteen moderator, Spikesgirl, is on vacation out of the country. She may want to make such a poll, but I don't want to interrupt her vacation. I will ask when she returns. I think it's a good idea to run a poll in the Canteen and compare the two. :D
01.11.2015 в 08:13

I came across this fan fiction story that cousins here may find interesting. The author, St. Crispins, is a university professor; she teaches writing. Here is a short introduction to the story: During the Christmas Season, 1955, Illya is recruited by U.N.C.L.E. while Solo reveals his secret life to Clara.


I will search for stories of Illya's youth and recommend them here if you like.
01.11.2015 в 17:27

A life lived in fear is a life half lived
Волчица Юлия, я стараюсь)

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